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August 2020
Coastal countryside wildlife at Marsh Farm, Brightlingsea, Essex
Leader: Roger Tabor HonFBNA DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC RESTRICTIONS POSTPONED UNTIL A LATER DATE TBA Great opportunity to see the wildlife & plants around Marsh Farmhouse, at the far end of Stoney Lane, off Red Barn Road/Chapel Road, Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0SR. Charming setting facing a small lake, where will sample the freshwater life ('pond-dipping'), & look at plants & other wildlife around the Grade II farmhouse location. Will also look at the upper reaches of Flag Creek & its…
Find out more »Spotting Nature for Families August 31st 2020 Brightlingsea, Essex
EVENT & BRIGHTLINGSEA 2020 TOWN SHOW CANCELLED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC - until further notice Bring your family along on August Bank Holiday 2020 to help your youngsters develop skills in spotting wildflowers & wildlife at the Lozenge Nature Area, Lower Park Road, Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0LG which will be open between 11am to 4.30pm. This is a FREE event run by the Essex Branch of the British Naturalists' Association with support from the Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea. Youngsters…
Find out more »August 2021
Monday 30th August 2021: Nature Spotting at the Lozenge Nature Area, for Families.
At: Lozenge Nature Area, Lower Park Road, Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0LG. Event open between 11.30-4.30pm. This annual August Bank Holiday Monday event is a jointly organised by the BNA & the Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea. Come along with your family to encourage your youngsters to be able to recognise & identify some of the plants & other wildlife at the Lozenge Nature Area. There are BNA experts on hand to help, your family will be given a Spotter Sheet…
Find out more »September 2021
Saturday 25th September 2021: Fungi, Fruits & Foliage.
Meet: Valley Car Park, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ. 10.00am – 11.30am Leader: Dr Chris Gibson FBNA Approach the University Campus from the B1028 (Wivenhoe-Colchester road), take the Main Entrance off the B1028 into Boundary Road, turn right into Park Road, the second car park on the left is Valley Car Park. Wivenhoe Park was immortalised in a well-known painting by the outstanding English landscape painter, John Constable. Once owned by the Rebow family, its 200 acres…
Find out more »October 2021
Sunday 10th October 2021: Looking at Seagrass at the Naze.
Meet: Beside base of Naze Tower, at Naze Car Park, Old Hall Lane, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex CO14 8LJ 10.30am Leader: Dr Tim Gardiner FBNA A counter to global warming is carbon sequestration, seagrass can store as much carbon per hectare as trees in the UK. Seagrass populations have been decimated, but Project Seagrass hopes to turn that around. Come along and be introduced to seagrass spotting & seagrass importance by seagrass expert & award-winning ecologist Dr Tim Gardiner.
Find out more »December 2021
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th December 2021: BNA Essex “Tree” in Brightlingsea Christmas Tree Festival.
Event open over weekend at: All Saints’ Church, Church Road, Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0RZ (Preparation days 9th & 10th December 2021) Once again BNA Essex will be putting our wildlife-themed “tree” into the Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints church, Brightlingsea, Church Road, Essex CO7 0RZ. This is a very successful annual event to which large numbers of people attend & many organisations have a themed “tree”, so a good opportunity to promote the needs of wildlife. If branch members…
Find out more »January 2022
Saturday 29th January 2022 Sampling & Identifying Freshwater Invertebrates
Sampling and Identifying Freshwater Invertebrates Meet Mill Street Pond, Mill Street, Brightlingsea CO7 0SX. 10.30 am – 1.30pm Leaders: Roger Tabor and Susie Jenkins This event is in conjunction with Brightlingsea Nature Network, organised by Susie Jenkins, where some careful limited management will be undertaken on one side of the pond. Invertebrate and other animal species disturbed will be recorded and returned to the pond. Wellingtons or similar are advised, plus bring some freshwater and small towel to clean and…
Find out more »February 2022
Wednesday 16th February 2022 Zoom talk: Some Essex Ancient Woods
"Some Essex Ancient Woods"- BNA Essex Zoom event A free talk by Roger Tabor HonFBNA, FRSB, BNA President Starts at 7.30pm (opens 7.15pm) Email: essex@bna-naturalists.org for joining link/details
Find out more »March 2022
Wednesday 16th March 2022 Zoom Talk: John Ray, Essex Naturalist, Father of British Natural History, Pioneer Taxonomist
Zoom talk about John Ray, the outstanding naturalist and taxonomist, born in Black Notley in 1627 where he also died in 1705, but he had an amazing life in between, and his achievements in the natural world influences us to this day. A free talk by Roger Tabor HonFBNA FRSB, BNA President Starts at 7.30pm. Email essex@bna-naturalists.org for joining link/details.
Find out more »August 2022
Saturday 13th August: Estuary Sea-life Boat Trip Brightlingsea
BNA Essex August boat trip: Essential to book by email to BNA Essex (essex@bna-naturalists.org) and receive confirmation as we need to know who is coming for the boat. Spaces limited. Saturday 13th August 2022 Arrive & park for 12 noon at Pioneer Sailing Trust, Harkers Yard, Shipyard Estate, Copperas Road, Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0AR. Park inside Harkers Yard. We will first explore features relating to estuary wildlife and oysters on land, then you will be provided with a lifejacket before…
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