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Marine Estuary Wildlife Display Exhibition at Brightlingsea Museum, Essex

April 8, 2023 @ 11:00 am - May 20, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

The Display exhibition will run from Easter Saturday 8th April 2023 for 6 weeks until Saturday 13th May in Brightlingsea Museum. It was made by Roger Tabor HonFBNA, President of the British Naturalists Association & Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports’ Droit-gatherer for Brightlingsea from his activity in both roles in monitoring species in Brightlingsea waters, especially Brightlingsea Creek. As Droit-gatherer he watches for Fishes Royal, which if stranded in the territorial Waters of the Lord Warden as Admiral of the Cinque Ports belong to the Lord Warden rather than the Crown. Brightlingsea is the only Cinque Port north of the Thames. Roger has been monitoring Harbour Porpoises notifying the Cetacean Strandings Investigations Programme (NHM) of his findings.

He also monitors Seal dead strandings, in co-operation with Brightlingsea Town Council.

The display shows a range of marine species in the Creek (& connected brackish water) that he has been investigating. BNA members and other bodies have been co-operating in BNA events for this. Roger, BNA members including Dr Tom Cameron HonFBNA of Essex University & Kent & Essex IFCA seine netted young Sea Bass & Sand Smelts, which were returned to the sea.  Invertebrate and other species have been monitored by Roger himself & for BNA events in co-operation with the Pioneer Sailing Trust, which has produced many species often not recorded in the Creek before such as Idotea linearis, Star Ascidians, Ghost Shrimps. He found a real rarity for the East coast which is on the display of a Winged Thecacera, a colourful Nudibranch white spotted all over with orange & black blobs.

Lord Wardens of the Cinque Ports had their own oyster layings in the Creek & historically the Droit-gather policed Brightlingsea’s layings. The display shows oyster laying & oyster pit maps, & the dilemma of the increase of non-native Pacific Oysters over the Native Oysters.

The end pictures are from the preview with Roger (in Droit-gatherer uniform) showing HM Lord-Lieutenant of Essex & her husband the display exhibition.


April 8, 2023 @ 11:00 am
May 20, 2023 @ 5:00 pm


Brightlingsea Museum


Brightlingsea Museum,
Station Road
Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 ODT United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01206 307121